Saturday, May 14, 2011

Grant Brings GPS Units to Beidler Forest

The education department at the Audubon Center at Francis Beidler Forest has received a $1000-grant from the South Carolina Geographic Alliance to purchase GPS units in support of a program to get Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology into the classroom.

 Image by Garmin

Part of the GPS/GIS program will involve students learning to use GPS technology while at the Francis Beidler Forest (FBF) as well as on their school campus.

Image by Mark Musselman

Once students are familiar with how latitude and longitude coordinates mark unique points on the globe, the next phase of the program will involve students using their school computers and free GIS reading software to analyze FBF-supplied species-sightings and research data.

Species Sightings

Where do Prothonotary Warblers nest?  How large are their territories?  Why are some much larger than others?

Prothonotary Warbler Territories

Why are Brown Water Snakes not seen on the western half of the boardwalk...

Brown Water Snake Sightings

...when Eastern Cottonmouths can be seen all around the boardwalk?  What are the habitat preferences for the two snake species?
Cottonmouth Sightings

Let us know if your school would like to participate in this technology-based program!

Maps created by Mark Musselman

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