Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Newington Elementary

Newington Elementary School 1st graders had the boardwalk to themselves this morning at the Audubon Center at the Francis Beidler Forest. Bracing for the 1.75-mile walk and a lunch that would be delayed 1/2 hour beyond their normal feeding time, these eager learners set out.

Using their height advantage (being closer to the ground) and superior observation skills, the groups spotted a Southern Black Racer, Yellow-bellied Sliders, Eastern Mud Turtles, Banded Water Snakes (basking and swimming), Eastern Cottonmouths, various skinks, a male Scarlet Tanager of the brightest red, Prothonotary Warblers, Barred Owls fishing for crayfish, battling Tufted Titmice, woodpeckers, damselflies, dragonflies, and a spectacular, virgin, old-growth swamp!

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