Friday, May 21, 2010

Wannamaker Nature Preserve

Today at the Wannamaker Nature Preserve, Audubon South Carolina hosted 4th graders from Guinyard Elementary School in St. Matthews, SC.  In the past, the lack of restroom facilities have limited access to the nature preserve, but the site now has a restroom, shelter, bus parking, and miles of trails.

The first activity was the mammal track activity.  Students moved between the eleven stations and used the track key to determine the identity of the animal track in the clay.  The rubber scat at some stations was an extra clue.  The size of the scat for the feral hog and the black bear were big hits with the boys.

After the track activity, the six Ss of birding were discussed.  The six Ss are size, shape (body, head, wing, leg, and tail), shade (color and markings), surroundings, style (behaviors and how they are performed), and sound.  The heat of the day kept the birds to a minimum, but students did identify by sound a Blue Jay, Mourning Dove, American Crow, Northern Cardinal and Carolina Wren.  A Turkey Vulture was spotted soaring overhead and a variety of food items (berries, seeds, insects, and spiders) were identified in the habitat.  Several students asked if any birds eat the ubiquitous ticks!

Images by Mark Musselman

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