Sunday, August 21, 2011

Making Maps at ARHS

In the last post, we covered the TogetherGreen project that the Francis Beidler Forest education staff will be developing with the students of Ashley Ridge High School (ARHS).  Part of the project will involve the introduction and use of various geographic technologies such as Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Students will be using these technologies to gather data and create maps in order to analyze and share that data.  We have created an example map using the free site, which students can use to create maps for whatever data they collect or wish to highlight.  In our example, the proposed nature trail is shown on the south end of the ARHS campus.  The trail line was created from points collected with a GPS unit.  The stick pins show locations of interest.  If you click on a stick pin, an image and a description for that location will appear in a popup window.

Click here to go to the interactive map.

Images and map by Mark Musselman

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