The Eastern Mud Turtle's name is derived from the Greek words "kineo" (move) and
Throughout their lives, Eastern Mud Turtles search within their aquatic environment for a
Images (hatchling) by SCBrian
Images (adult) by Mark Musselman
ASC operates two centers. Francis Beidler Forest in Four Holes Swamp is a 17,000-acre wildlife sanctuary featuring a 1-3/4 mile boardwalk through an old-growth cypress-tupelo swamp. Open Tues-Sun (closed Mon. & some holidays; admission fee). Silver Bluff along the Savannah River has 3,154 acres of upland pine forest, hardwood bottomlands, fields, lakes and streams with a checklist of over 200 species, including Wood Storks! Ed. programming and tours. Images © FBF, 2006-2016.
This is more of a question than a comment. I have a pet Mud Turtle. Pretty sure it's the Eastern, but maybe Mississippi. Anyway, is it common for them to have blue shading around their eyes?
I have an Eastern Mud turtle and it looks like the turtle at the top in the pic, but i have had mine for almost a year and she hasnt grown at all. when i got her she was the size of a penny and now she still is. thats why i named her Penny. So im just saying that they dont all gt very big.
Yup!! I've already had mine for 21 years & he is still kicking!!!
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