As previously reported: The flies (deer, horse, and yellow) are from the family Tabanidae. The males are easily identified because their eyes are connected while the eyes of the females are widely separated. However, after smashing the fly between the palm and scalp in response to a painful bite, it is difficult to ascertain if the eyes were originally connected. It will undoubtedly be a female, because as with mosiquotes, it is only the females that bite humans and other animals.
The flies are ambush predators. They lie in wait in shady area until they perceive a meal passing by. Darker clothing in motion appears to be the most attractive to the flies. Using their scissor-like mandibles, they can inflict a wound deep enough to cause bleeding. They also add an anti-coagulant to keep the blood flowing. A group of 20-30 flies feeding on a cow for six hours can remove 100 cc of blood! Beef cattle can lose substantial weight and dairy cattle milk production can be dimished.
The fly problem is mainly in the parking area and the dry forest, but with the low water (zero in
Hopefully, the flies will stay only for their normal two weeks and not the 6+ weeks they spent gnawing on us last year!
Image by Mark Musselman
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